Spinning Babies

“Physiology Before Force”

-Gail Tully (founder of Spinning Babies)

Learn the new body-based approach for expressing ease and comfort in childbirth and pregnancy!

what is “spinning babies?”

Spinning Babies is a gentle body based approach to childbirth which focused on baby’s position. Learn techniques that you and your birth partner can use; before and during labor to help “make room for baby”! Spinning Babies reveals how baby can find optimal positions for labor to help make birth faster and easier.

Who is this class for?

-Any expectant parents who want to connect uniquely with their baby in the womb; have discomfort or may have a baby not in an optimal position.

*This is an unique birth class and is specifically designed for the expectant mother AND their birth partner. A partner isn’t a requirement to take the course, however please be aware the majority of what is taught is designed for two individuals.

what will you learn?

  • Body balancing activities for pregnancy and labor

  • Belly Mapping

  • Tips for flipping breech or transverse babies in pregnancy

  • Positions for the different stages of labor

  • Positions to engage baby in early labor, or an induction, which can shorten labor and avoid surgery

  • Overcome a posterior or transverse position in labor

  • Preparing your body now for the labor to come

class details

The registration fee of $125 will include:

  • 2 separate two hour classes of Spinning Babies activities and techniques

  • Spinning Babies technique handouts and an ebook for you and your partner.

Be on the look out for available dates!

Class location: Trillium House LLC 3105 Fort Ave

Or you can schedule a private one on one class (for a fee of $175) at the time of your choice in the comfort of your own home!

We are asking that you do not attend if you or a member of your household has been feeling sick in anyway, exposed to COVID, or showing COVID symptoms.

on completion of the class, you will also receive handouts and a spinning babies parent ebook to help you remember and implement everything you have learned!

Gail Tully & Jenny Katze
Gail Tully(pictured left), founder of Spinning Babies, with Jenny Katze(pictured right)

who is teaching the class?

hi, i’m jenny!

My knowledge of Spinning Babies has added great value to my clients and their partners in pregnancy and childbirth. I have found the gentle approach of Spinning Babies to bring comfort in pregnancy, solutions to stalled labor and has contributed to shortened labor times. If you have any other questions or concerns about the course, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
