Prep 4 Birth - Online Full Course
Can’t attend in person and want to access the material at your own pace in your own place? Prep4Birth online videos may be the option for you! With hours of information and a power point to follow along, you will be engaged as you learn how to engage your baby! You can purchase the full course, or just one section! Once you purchase this option, you will receive a link to the videos. This is a single use purchase, not intended to be shared or distributed beyond the original purchaser.
Can’t attend in person and want to access the material at your own pace in your own place? Prep4Birth online videos may be the option for you! With hours of information and a power point to follow along, you will be engaged as you learn how to engage your baby! You can purchase the full course, or just one section! Once you purchase this option, you will receive a link to the videos. This is a single use purchase, not intended to be shared or distributed beyond the original purchaser.
Can’t attend in person and want to access the material at your own pace in your own place? Prep4Birth online videos may be the option for you! With hours of information and a power point to follow along, you will be engaged as you learn how to engage your baby! You can purchase the full course, or just one section! Once you purchase this option, you will receive a link to the videos. This is a single use purchase, not intended to be shared or distributed beyond the original purchaser.